Real People. Real Problems. Practical Ideas.

Terms Of Use

The terms “Practically Poor”, “Practically Poor Headquarters”, “we”, “our”, “us”, “my”, and “I” used in these Terms of Use, and throughout this website, refer to and its owners. The terms “you”, “your”, “they”, and “their” refer to the readers, users, and visitors of the Practically Poor website.”User/s”, “reader/s”, and “visitor/s” is used simultaneously here and throughout this website, and all are understood to include all of those that access this website, and these Terms, at any time.


Please be aware that it is our users’ responsibility to read our Terms of Use before using this website in any capacity, and that the use of our website, with all matters therein related, assumes that users have done so.




We are not experts, certified financial advisors, or qualified accountants. This site contains information that we have personally used in our own lives (and continue to use). We do not claim to be providing qualified financial advice, and we strongly recommend all readers seek such advice before making financial decisions. 


The safety and protection of those that use this website,, are of utmost importance to us. We outline here, and throughout our website, that it is the readers’ responsibility to check safety, legal, and other necessary requirements for any, and all, actions before engaging in them.


We are an Australian-based website, and much of our information is Australian-based, and it is a part of our Terms Of Use that readers understand they are responsible for their own actions regardless of their geographic location. Readers must themselves check the latest and most up-to-date local and federal government, local council, and all applicable authorities, for all relevant information that applies for each circumstance and situation relevant to them,  and those involved, when making their own decisions. cannot take responsibility for any actions or decisions of its readers in relation to information provided on this website, or by Practically Poor.




The ‘Practically Poor’ name, its associated logo, and slogan, are all original concepts and are copyrighted to their creators, the owners of Practically Poor, under Australian Copyright Law.

It is understood by Practically Poor that budgeting is an age-old topic, and there are many ideas and tips that have been passed down through generations, and across cultural boundaries, throughout human history, in addition to simply being learned by the trial and error of individual human lives. We operate this website, in goodwill, with this understanding, that there are general budgeting ideas that cannot be copyrighted, or claimed, by any one person, business, or entity.


All of our original material – written, digital, photographic, and otherwise – is automatically protected by Australian Copyright Law. All such material found on can be considered original, and the copyright of Practically Poor, unless otherwise clearly specified.


All copyrighted third-party material used on this website, including photographs from stock photo sources, will be labelled when legally required and as appropriate.


There are no circumstances, unless clearly specified by us in writing, under which the material contained on can be used by outside, or third, parties for their own financial gain, or used in any way that would imply they are the owners or originators of said material, or without direct link/s back to the relevant area of our website. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact us for help.


We here, at Practically Poor, have spent our lifetime(s) gaining our own understanding of budget-friendly living, and strive to provide them here. We do not intend, nor want, to use others’ material with any implication that it is our own. If you have any queries, or concerns, regarding this matter, or the content you have found on this site, please contact us immediately for help.


Collection of User Information does not currently, at time of writing, collect identifying information, in any form, of its readers and users in the running of this website. We do not collect, nor ask to collect, email addresses, phone numbers, or any other personal information, and therefore do not have a privacy policy. Should this change, we will update our terms of use as in accordance with Australian Law.


Terms of Use Amendments


We reserve the right to update and/ or change the Terms of Use of at any time, and without prior notice to the users and readers of this website. Changes may be made at any time, for any reason, including, but not limited to, ensuring that adheres to Australian Laws and Regulations, and that we are providing a fair and honest publication for our readers.

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