Real People. Real Problems. Practical Ideas.

Start Your Journey

Towards Making The Most Of What You've Got!

Welcome! We’re so happy to have you here!

There’s no way we can say for sure what’s brought your lovely self to our humble corner (tiniest speck?) of the internet, but we feel confident that, with a name like ours, you’re likely not looking for ski equipment. 

Good guess?

Jokes aside, there’s probably a money-connected, budget-related, make-the-most-of-every-dolllar kind of reason you’ve found your way here to us today. And we like your company! Because that’s what we’re all about here at Practically Poor: 

Making The Most Of What We’ve Got. 

And it truly doesn’t matter what you’re starting with – we promise there’s ALWAYS a way to make SOMETHING with what you have.

First of all, let’s talk a bit about why we’re practically poor, shall we?

Cambridge Dictionary defines ‘practically‘ as: 

  • In a way that relates to real situations and actions rather than ideas;
  • Almost or very nearly;
  • In a way that fits the needs of a particular situation.

And ‘practical’ as: 

  • Relating to experience, real situations, or actions rather than ideas or imagination;
  • Suitable for the situation in which something is used;
  • Able to provide effective solutions to problems.

Essentially, we chose this word due to the nature of how we’ve been taught to live:

Putting into practice what we’re learning. 

We have spent decades living with little and, somewhere along the way, realised we needed to learn how to live, not just struggle through and wish for a better day. Head over to our About Page to read more about how that happened. 

But, let’s just say here that God was ready to answer us once we began to ask him,”What can we do?? How can we live like this??”.

The answer was PRACTICAL! 

Just like you, we’re real people with real problems. This website is simply about all the ways we’ve attempted to put our learning to use. We discuss things like cleaning house (even when with chronic illness),  homeschooling for (almost) free, and how to make your own cushions/ clothes/ door mat.


This lifestyle is not stagnant and there’s no official ‘finish line’: it’s an ongoing process!

The most important thing you need to do – if you’re ready for your own journey towards being practical – is: 

To get started. 

Yes, it’s that simple! Just start learning. Start trying. Start cooking. Start sewing. Start budgeting. 

It doesn’t need to be ‘perfect’, and it definitely doesn’t have to be ‘share-able’ (wherever you would normally share online). And you certainly don’t need to start everything RIGHT NOW. We’d love for you to begin with what you have, where you can. Life happens in the details, in the monotony, in the trying and the failing. One small step at a time!

Oh, and there’s one thing you can stop amongst all this doing: 


Because we aim to provide ideas here that will allow you to learn and try new things while saving money. That’s the only way we’ve been able to try, and do, these things ourselves.


Today’s your day to start! We’re excited for you!

We’ve also got these categories you can check out:


Ideas for saving money in and around your home, and for your family! Here’s a few posts to get you started:

20+ Ways To Reuse Glass Jars


We’ve been homeschooling for (almost) free for over a decade. It can be done, all while having lots of fun and achieving lots of learning goals.

Save Money On Books

High School English: Pygmalion Unit


Practical crafts to help save you money around your home, as well as inexpensive craft ideas just for fun, or for gifts, that we’ve enjoyed over the  years. 

Latest Posts

Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to read this. We hope you’ll find a warm and welcoming space here, where you can relax as you navigate your way to living well with less.

If you have any questions, or you’d like to let us know what you think, please fill out a Contact Form – we look forward to hearing from you!

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